Quest details

Level range: 35

Quest giver: Senior Training Supervisor Rugren

Find Bultabar in the northern part of the rose garden.

  • Experience: 6877 EP
  • 0 9 576



Player, I gave you a difficult mission. I should have got more information before I called you. So now I'm going to ask you something else. Could you find the student who went missing in the rose garden? His name is Bultabar. I'm worried about him.


I'm going to have a look in the rose garden.


Even if we describe the rose garden as the cat beasts' and Gnolls' playground, the situation is still very dangerous. That's why the headmaster has declared this area a forbidden zone. But it's still not clear why he's going in there anyway... When Bultabar is here again, I will take action. You've got to do what you've got to do...


Who are you? Trespassing is not allowed here. When I think about it, I really shouldn't be here either. *scratches his head and smiles*


I just wanted to find out why Gerod, the headmaster, keeps going in and out of here even though this is a forbidden zone. Now I've found out why. But unfortunately, I also don't know how to get out of here.

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