Quest details

Level range: 40

Quest giver: Magic Knight Haren Allumid

Kill 15 Twilight Trolls and 15 Avaricious Trolls in the north eastern Serian forest and report back to the magic knight Haren Allumid at the south eastern entrance to the Serian forest afterwards.

  • Experience: 11278 EP
  • 0 14 867


Haren Allumid:

Rayord and I can't possibly protect this huge area by ourselves. I realize that it is difficult to get reinforcements after the war against Valorian but nevertheless it would be sensible to think about it. (Haren Allumid stops complaining when he notices Rayord looking at him) Therefore... Can I ask you for something? Could you kill 15 Twilight Trolls and 15 Avaricious Trolls in the north eastern Serian forest?


Okay, I'll help but Rayord seems dissatisfied to me...

Haren Allumid:

Rayord is not taking this particularly seriously. He doesn't like to be stuck here, dealing with the spirits. He might change his attitude when he has got more experience and has started to look at the world in a more mature way.

Haren Allumid:

You've come back! I was getting worried, as the trolls are becoming really aggressive and violent. How did the work go?

Haren Allumid:

So lucky. Thanks to you we can breathe a sigh of relief and make use of the time to write the application for reinforcements. Please, take this. It is a small thank-you for your help.

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