Quest details

Level range: 59

Quest giver: Forest Reeve Alvid

Speak to the Bait in the Kaos base.

  • Experience: 12318 EP
  • 0 8 395



We talked with Bait during your absence Player. He feels overwhelmed and is not sure how is going to write up everything that happened in the lumberjacks' village and in Sisill in his report. Please go to him and help him out.


This guy takes more effort than the Rahu!


*laughs and shakes his head* No, now you are overdoing it. He is simply a nobleman of the courts. How can an aristocrat also understand the life of simple folk when he only knows the life of safety behind the castle walls? Maybe this experience will have taught him something. We can only hope.


Hm, what am I supposed to enter here? I can't report that time has stood still. *Bait concentrates on his report for the main castle.*


Ah, there you are again. As you can see, Player, I'm currently in the process of preparing my report. You should take it to the main castle with you. *looks at you cautiously*

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