Quest details

Level range: 69

Quest giver: Elder of the Elves Bernoa

Use the power of the soul fragments, support Bernoa in the battle against the Rahu and protect the elves' trees. Once you've got the fifth Memphis piece, return to the present and report to Bernoa.



I've got a request for you: use the soul fragment to travel back to the time when the Rahu invaded our land and protect the elves' trees! I've already asked Jackpot for assistance, but she didn't want to help me. She even said that she would go back to headquarters if you use this soul fragment in a way that departs from your plan. That might mean that you can no longer return to the White Troop's headquarters if you accept this mission from me. So I won't hold it against you if you choose to decline. Temped's disappearance has allowed me to protect the Dying Forest, and I've been able to do quite a bit in that regard. But we could be doing more! For that I'm going to need your help.


I don't even need to think about it. I will travel to the past and help you. My belief in the good has given me the power to fight the Rahu so far - it won't fail me now.


I truly appreciate it! I shall pray for you as long as you are off on your journey, that you may come back safe and sound.


Looks like the celebration went without a glitch this year. *Bernoa reads Roshimo's letter very carefully*


Thanks a lot! Thanks to your help, we've been able to save the elves' trees. Of course, they're still going to need our help, but now we can hope that we'll be able to do something to stop this creeping decay!

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