Quest details
Level range: 47
Quest giver: Spirit Father Pago
Talk to Sillelia in northern Totznaro forest next to the village of the Dark Elves.
Pago:[Player]:After the Rahu attack, Sillelia and her allies went into hiding in northern Totznaro Forest. I leave it to you to decide what to do when you find them. I'm certain you will make the a fair and just decision.
Pago:I don't understand, why Sillelia did such terrible things. Her people have made the Rahu their enemies!
Sillelia did not work with the Rahu. Just like with Gyarpa, she sacrificed herself for her people - this is all that matters to her. She could not know how it all panned out. Her people are desperate.
You ... who are you? You are the person who has not forgotten me, Silelia. *Silelia is looking past you with a vacant expression on her face.*
I know that it was not right. But what else could I do? My people needed me! I swore never to be like Fenteserilla, an old queen of the Dark Elves! Blinded by love, she drove our people to their ruin. I never want to make such a mistake. I thought that I had taken everything into consideration. But the Black Knights... *sighs and breaks off the sentence*