Quest details

Level range: 35

Quest giver: Alsenik Student Sophie

Defeat 20 Pagot Guards and 20 Pagot Hunters. Report back to Sophie afterwards, who is in south of the Rose Garden by the training ground.

  • Experience: 7857 EP
  • 0 10 948



When I so much as see gnolls, I'm paralysed with fear. When I was a little girl, I was injured by one during magic practice. Defeat the gnolls, then I can go back by myself. Please!


You can count on me. What's up with these grounds?


The Rose Garden was given to us, the magic students, by Duke Rosenkrostia as a place for us to practice magic. I've never seen him, but he must be a good man.


Have you killed them? The Pagot clan is as thick as thieves. That's why it must have been difficult.


Thanks. Now I can go back to magic school and see Bultabar again.

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