Quest details

Level range: 35

Quest giver: Student 119 Bultabar

After you have talked to Bultabar, take the first soul piece from the compartment and report back to Rugren in the Alsenik magic school.
  • Loot 1× First Soul Piece

  • Experience: 4768 EP
  • 0 6 623



What's that supposed to mean? Like I said, every evening the headmaster goes to the secret compartment, takes out the jewel and speaks a few strange chants. I don't know what kind of chants they are, but he's always so immersed in what he's doing that he hasn't even ever noticed me.


A jewel in the compartment...?


He's a different person when he has that jewel in his hand. I don't know whether I should say something. He looks like a monster from hell when he's doing it. Knight, haven't you come to save me?


Bultabar has returned to school safe and sound.Thank you, Player.


I'm convinced that it has something to do with that incident. He's more concerned about this area than anyone else. I still can't believe it. (Rugren quarrels with himself.)

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