Quest details

Level range: 29

Quest giver: Old Historian Risero

Go to Iyorka and eliminate the Light Commander Duke Gairan and 20 Light Infantrymen and twenty Light Soldiers. Go to the Encampment of the Spirit Hunters afterwards and report back to the old historical researcher Risero.

  • Experience: 14487 EP
  • 0 17 721



I don't want to tell anybody about this awful business. It doesn't look like it at the moment, but these are the souls who saved Iberia. I want to pay them the respect they deserve. Restore peace to Duke Gairan and his subjects.


I understand...


The history book "The Hero and the Tragedy of Iberia", says that Duke Gairan and his subjects went to Iyorka to celebrate after the Great Adir War. However, they were poisoned by a potion during the festivities and lost their lives. This was the sad fate that befell those who saved Iberia... a great tragedy.


What happened to Duke Gairan and his subjects? It would be better if something like that had never happened but isn't this the highest praise we can give them? *Risero looks wistfully towards Iyorka*


The more the historical researchers tell me about the history of Iberia the more I wonder how to sort out this mess. I have the impression that as time goes on, this mess gets more and more complicated.

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