Quest details
Level range: 29
Quest giver: Old Historian Risero
Eliminate twenty Brutal Dark Infantrymen and twenty Embittered Dark Infantrymen in the Desert of the Dead. Afterwards report to the old historical researcher Risero at the Encampment of the Spirit Hunters.
- Eliminate Brutal Dark Infantryman × 20
- Eliminate Embittered Dark Infantryman × 20
- Eliminate Injured Dark Infantryman × 20
- Experience: 9317 EP
- 0 11 309
- Choose an item:
Risero:[Player]:I think you have to deal with the dark infantrymen. They are spreading rumours about the Desert of the Dead. Can you help me? If you investigate the magic tower, you can also learn something about its history...
Risero:Yes, I will help you.
If you look at the old documents of the war between Iberia and the Rahu it says that "all three magic towers have a red light shining upwards so that the sky above the monsters appears to have a red glow". Don't you think that the magic tower we have found could be exactly one of these magic towers?
Have you dealt with the dark infantrymen? Let me know as soon as you have completed your mission. This week we have to complete the job the historical researchers gave us and finish investigating the magic tower. It would be good if you could hurry up.
Many thanks, because of you we will be able to complete our investigation of the magic tower! As soon as everybody is back we have to return the documents of the investigation to the Headquarters of the Battle Magicians. *Risero studies the paper scroll of the history of Ardirs carefully*