Quest details
Level range: 29
Quest giver: Leader of the Magic Knights Drakan
Use the portal in Ardir and go to the Encampment of the Spirit Hunters. Speak to Risero there.
Drakan:[Player]:No major battles have broken out lately, but there's still a war going on between us and Valorian. Ardir has not gone over to either side, but it would be good if you could go to there and convince the influential people of Ardir to join our side.
Drakan:You mean persuade...?
It's really not that complicated. All you have to do is make it clear to them which side would serve better serve them, Derion or Valorian. Do you know what I mean?
Are you a legionnaire of Derion or a warrior of Valorian? However, you have come to help us you are very welcome. Look, Syari! We have a new assistant!
If you help our historians, I will give you information that is worth more than billions of Gold. Of course, only if you are willing to join up with our group. How about it, would you like to form an alliance with us historians, knight?