Quest details

Level range: 130

Quest giver: Hired Expedition Member Hadergen

Eliminate Black Poison Scorpions and 30 Ravenous Hill Spiders in Hollow Wind Hill and then talk to Hadergen.

  • Experience: 502940 EP
  • 0 63 878



Hollow Wind Hill is seething with spiders and scorpions. If you enter the hill you'll end up on their dinner plates. I very much regret sending the old man in there. Which is why I refuse to go in there myself. You seem to be strong enough to be able to rescue the old man. But first you'll have to prove to me that you have what it takes.


But who are you? Why are you here?


We were hired by the expedition group. If you head to the hill you'll see that the number of giant spiders has risen greatly. It's seething with monsters and their eggs. It's our mission to guarantee the expedition's safety.


So, you've returned to tell the tale. Did you eliminate the spiders?


Oh, have you really eliminated them? Hmm... you're stronger than I thought. You have earned my trust.

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