Quest details

Level range: 129

Quest giver: Researcher Garus

Defeat Medicine Man Hagenchi in the Luminescent Mushroom Colony and then talk to Garus.

  • Experience: 639028 EP
  • 0 80 770



I've underestimated the situation. I only really came here to ensure that Maton didn't expose my lies. Up until now I've always somehow managed it, but over by the hill I left Poltio on his own and ran away. You can criticise me if you like, but if you'd seen the monsters there, you'd understand why. It was unlike any of the plants I've seen before. I ask myself if it might not have been the creature which breathed life into these plants. He looked like some kind of medicine man.


Medicine man? So Poltio is still here?


Yes. I urged him to turn back, but he couldn't be convinced. When he discovered this great rock behind the Medicine Man he seemed to go crazy. I only saw how he hid himself and gradually sneaked forward. Then I ran away in fear. If you want to find out where Poltio is, you'll have to defeat the Medicine Man.


Quickly, tell me, did you manage it?


Hmm? There's no sign of him? Not a trace? Where can he be?

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