Quest details

Level range: 127

Quest giver: Expedition Researcher Maton

Collect Luminescent Mushrooms in the Luminescent Mushroom Colony and then talk to Maton.
  • Loot 1× Luminescent Mushroom
  • Loot 1× Luminescent Mushroom
  • Loot 1× Luminescent Mushroom

  • Experience: 552403 EP
  • 0 69 596



This place is called the Luminescent Mushroom Colony because certain mushrooms here glow on their own. There are no mushrooms like this above ground. It isn't known exactly how they manage to do this, which is why many in the expedition have taken an interest. I'm one of the them. Maybe you could pick a few Luminescent Mushrooms for me if you find some? Only if you aren't too busy, of course.


That won't be a problem. I'll leave straight away.


The light emitted by these mushrooms is brighter and stronger than I expected. They're capable of lighting up the room in all directions. That's why I wonder if the ancient inhabitants here used these mushrooms instead of carrying torches around with them. Of course, I still need to discover how long their luminescent property lasts after they've been uprooted.


How did it go? Did you find any Luminescent Mushrooms?


Oooh, they're still glowing! Just look at the purity of that light! It's such a pleasant glow! I'll be able to make good use of these specimens for my research. Thank you very much!

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