Quest details

Level range: 127

Quest giver: Expedition Researcher Maton

Defeat Aggressive Carnivorous Plant, Nepende's Carnivores and Mutated Carnivorous Plants in the Luminescent Mushroom Colony, collect 20 transparent Plant Hearts and then talk to Maton.

  • Experience: 428215 EP
  • 0 53 947



You know what's special about the Luminescent Mushroom Colony? There are supposed to be quite curious plants there which have hearts in their bodies, just the same as we do. It's only a rumour, but who knows? If it's true, could you bring me 20 Plant Hearts? I think they would make a brilliant research object for me. You should be able to get hearts from all the plants in the Luminescent Mushroom Colony.


Absolutely astonishing that these plants have hearts.


At the moment the Luminescent Mushroom Colony is showing similar changes to the ones that can be seen in other parts of the underground city. That's why I'm curious to find out if the plants growing in the Luminescent Mushroom Colony exhibit any changes similar to the ones being observed in the underground city at the moment. On the other hand, the plants may have evolved over a long time period, just like the Luminescent Mushrooms.


What can you tell me? Do these plants really have hearts?


No, that isn't...! So the rumours are true. It's been a long time since I've been this surprised. Thanks for bringing these valuable research objects to me.

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