Quest details

Level range: 99

Quest giver: Injured Kameria

Talk to the injured Kameria in her hiding place.

  • Experience: 22470 EP
  • 0 24 257



I'll be brief. Leave this place and search for the divine weapon. If you plan to defeat a god, you need the right weapon. You are powerless against Parakelius with your current skills.


When you say the divine weapon, do you mean Divine Emperor? Is that really the only option? Is Parakelius truly so powerful?


I've been watching these people for some time. Markabil may have disappeared, but the powers controlling him are still very ominous. At first I was filled with a thirst for revenge, after they took over my nest. But the more I learned about them, the more I realised how cataclysmic their true plan was. I thought I should tell you.


A conversation with you was the only option for spreading the truth. I had to confront Parakelius directly. I didn't expect that to present much of a problem, but I overestimated my abilities. I didn't stand a chance against him. My pride forced me into this situation, however...


Listen. Everything that is happening in the Colossus Mountains is a distraction. Iberia's peoples may be spellbound by the events happening in the mountains, but in truth, it is the Castle Ruins of Avalan that are important. He plans to accomplish that which failed a thousand years ago: the obliteration of the entire continent. The situation is even more precarious than it was then, for Leya, who you hold for a goddess, has fallen into a deep sleep. That is why I advise you to seek out the divine weapon. That is the only chance you have of fighting against Parakelius. And...!

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