Quest details

Level range: 18

Quest giver: Training supervisor Marad

Go to Morabia Fort and complete the tasks Al gives you. When you've received his seal, report back to Training Supervisor Marad at the Kuznez Outpost.
  • Loot 1× Al's Seal

  • Experience: 4059 EP
  • 0 3 927



We've received a call for help from Morabia Fort. More and more Baraks are showing up in the area, and they're making life very difficult for our soldiers. Head for Morabia Fort and speak with Al. He'll let you know how you can make yourself useful. Bring me his seal as proof that you've helped him and you'll receive a reward from me.


I understand, Marad. I'll leave at once.


The Baraks at Morabia fort are not to be taken lightly. Be careful, Player.


You're back, Player. How did it go at the fort?


You've done some excellent work, Player! Here is your reward.

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