Quest details
Level range: 10
Quest giver: Leader of the training camp Remings
Kill 30 pumas in the Mountain Valley of Courageousness and then return to Remings.
Remings:[Player]:A storm devastated the training camp and we're currently repairing everything. Pumas still keep breaking through the broken barricades, though. They're stopping us from being able to rebuild. Could you take care of it please and distract the pumas so we can take care of the camp?
Remings:Of course I'll gladly help. How shall I distract them then?
Fight them - unfortunately, I see no other option. By doing this you'll be distracting them from the training camp. We're counting on you, Player.
There are always more storms here. So far we haven't been able to secure the camp so that the barricades can hold.
That was well done. Thank to you we were able to rebuild the barricades in peace and can now keep the pumas away. Here is my seal as proof of your aid. Bring it to Marad in the Kuznez Outpost. He will then reward you.