

Thanks to you we were able to have the celebrations. But I still don't know how the Rahu came to Mosalien. As soon as I have found out I and my people will look for a solution. As this has not happened yet we will keep it a secret. Ah, and Bernoa, the elder of the elves will be really worried so go to him and tell him that we have solved the problem.


Understood, then I will make my way to the village.


Suddenly the Rahu are appearing in the dying forest at the dead elf tree with their evil power. You can't therefore look at them separately. This is proof that danger is coming to Mosalien! If the same thing happens as before we should not underestimate our powers, but look for somebody who can protect us. Tell Bernoa this.


Does that mean that Jackpot is looking for the same thing that Princess Marlone is looking for? Which one should I help? I can't hesitate now... *Bernoa mumbles to herself*


Ah, you are back! I have heard that thanks to you the Rahu were driven out. *Bernoa suddenly hesitates and looks around.* As you have done me a favour I will also keep my promise.

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