Quest details

Level range: 69

Quest giver: Elder Roshimo

Eliminate 15 fallen carnivorous trees near the Dead Elf Tree, then speak with Roshimo.

  • Experience: 28200 EP
  • 0 28 749



Can you see the fallen carnivorous trees all around us? They once lived around the Dead Elf Tree and were trustworthy allies, but the influence of the Rahu has made them monsters. It's tough for me to do so, but I've got to ask you to fight by my side once again and eliminate the carnivorous trees, so that the natives of the region may live in peace once again.


It's frightening how the Rahu's mere appearance could change them so much.


It's like water, you see: the cleaner it is, the easier it is to dirty. The same goes for the carnivorous trees. The spirits and the carnivorous trees were hit hardest when the region became contaminated. They were the purest creatures around.


Oh my goodness. To watch an old comrade die is very hard.


It really pains me to do something like this to old friends, but they're not themselves anymore. We simply cannot ignore the situation. *looks at you sadly*

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