Quest details

Level range: 69

Quest giver: Professor Pruta

Speak to Jackpot, the scout, who is at the Rebuilt Elf Village.

  • Experience: 13129 EP
  • 0 13 188



Up till now the movements of the Rahu and the black knight alliance have been mysterious. We aren't even able to tell what type of creature has taken over Emperor Ruard's body. That's why we have to return as soon as possible and find a solution. It somehow annoys me that we still have not found the soul piece from Dragonrod. Get ready to take off straight away. Then go to Jackpot in the Rebuilt Elf Village, because she will know exactly where to find the soul piece.


Is she also a member of the white troop?


That's how it is. A little while ago he came to Mosalien and I'm not sure if it's got something to do with the soul piece.


What are the imps doing in the dying forest? The big celebration is taking place soon. I've got an uneasy feeling about this. Something strange is going on there. *Jackpot mutters to herself, with a serious expression on her face*


You know me? Who are you? (Jackpot pulls a funny face when you tell her that Pruta sent you to him.) Pruta sent you? How does he know that I'm doing my research here if the headquarters aren't even aware of it? Why did you come here?

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