Quest details

Level range: 49

Quest giver: Spirit Father Pago

Use the space-time portal and return to Alexis before it was destroyed. Go to Pago at the western end of the Spirit Twilight after you have taken the soul piece from Sillelia, the dark elf.
  • Loot 1× Sillelia's Soul Piece

  • Experience: 239271 EP
  • 0 120 641



Her tribesmen are the most important thing to her. In that respect she's just like Gyarpa... Go to Alexis, which is in the southern part of Hod. Take this soul piece with you and use the space-time portal there. Go to the forgotten mine where Sillelia's tribesmen were held captive. She won't listen to anyone as long as her brothers and sisters are prisoners. That's why you have to rescue Sillelia's tribe before she allies with the Black Knights! You have to prevent Sillelia from making the wrong decision!


Pago, will she actually understand me?


Sillelia sacrificed her life for her people and risked her life hiding in Alexis. It's almost impossible to convince her now... the only option is to save her tribe.


I seems to be my fate not to even have time to take a deep breath.


So... you saved the poor soul Sillelia, but Gyarpa still hasn't returned... she probably chose to face her end of her own free will. Maybe she wanted to show that going behind Ruard's back is the wrong way to maintain the barrier of Alexis. Hopefully her sacrifice wasn't in vain...

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