Quest details
Level range: 44
Quest giver: Marshall of the spirit researchers Ruos
Talk to Ruos at the entrance to the barracks at the Large Spirit Path.
Ruos:[Player]:Spirit father Pago will be able to solve this problem somehow... But he's furious at the moment, because of what we did to Gyarpa. After all, we did do something unforgivable.
Ruos:I'm curious to know what type of person spirit mother Gyarpa was.
Spirit mother Gyarpa was the queen of spirits, who had existed for long time, when Iberia was still ruled by the Rahu. She drove the Rahu away and led us Iberians, who had just started settling in Iberia. She took care of us, so that we could build the Large Spirit Path in Hod, the holy spirit area and research the spirits. But after her reign as queen was over and Emperor Ruard had taken the throne, the situation changed.
Ruard used his friendship to the spirits to penetrate the magic of Elixia with their help. The young spirits from Serian Forest had only just received their magic powers when they were lured to Elixia. They couldn't flee from the area again, as they were robbed of all their power as soon as they set foot on the grounds. Spirit mother Gyarpa sacrificed herself for the peace in Iberia and also went to Elixia.
Her sacrifice only had one condition: that we wouldn't take the young spirits to Elixia anymore... but Ruard not only broke his promise to Gyarpa, he also took spirit father Pago to Elixia. I was torn between my guilt towards Gyarpa and my loyalty to Derion, but in the end I chose to tell Pago the truth about Elixia's terrible cycle... after which Pago disappeared without a trace. Shortly after that, Elixia was destroyed when Gyarpa ran amok, which also ended up killing her.