Quest details

Level range: 11

Quest giver: Leader of the Caucasians Olivier

Go to Roxellan near the Maize Farm.
  • Talk to Roxellan
  • Loot 1× Olivier's Seal



There have been some strange things going on in Horusland lately. I've sent out some of my people to see if they can get to the bottom of these incidences. But so far we haven't found anything out yet. Roxellan reported that she found a strange object at the Maize Farm. After her investigations she wanted to send it to me, but so far none of the envoys have arrived. Please go and find out why.


You can count on me.


Take this seal. It will show everyone that I sent you. They should trust you when you have this on you.


Goblins that tame wolves? *mumbles* What nonsense! How would those monsters even manage that? *looks at you* Oh! A new face! And it seems you have Olivier's seal. Are you his new runner?


My envoys haven't arrived at the Lonbaley Training Camp yet? Where are they? Perhaps they're at the Nosrati Lake?

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