Quest details

Level range: 95

Quest giver: Adjutant Melbil

Every two hours Mesut's and Cantata's troops fight one another at the Geriton Camp in the Colossus Mountains. Defeat Cantata and take the Receipt of the Ninth Mission Map to Sunny in the Headquarters of the Battle Magicians.
  • Loot 1× Ninth Mission Map Receipt

  • Experience: 53640 EP
  • 0 112 860



I might have guessed! This whole idea of the Tripartite Pact was doomed for failure from the start! But who knows? Perhaps our troops need this to blow off steam and will be sitting at a round table afterwards, restarting negotiations. In any case: Valorian has hurt Derion's honour! That's why we need to teach them a lesson! At least Gor will not officially get involved until the disputes have been settled. Player! Travel to the Geriton Camp, for the battle will break out at any time there and defeat Captain Cantata for Derion!


Yes sir!


This fight is important, because it will show who is at the top of the pecking order and who is further down, during the continued Tripartite Pact negotiations. We have to win! The whole of Derion is counting on you!


Have you defeated Cantata and received the Receipt of the Ninth Mission Map?


That was great! Melbil told me all about your achievements! That will teach Valorian not to stain Derion's honour! Perhaps we will now be able to return to our negotiations. As a reward you will receive this gift.

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