Quest details

Level range: 82

Quest giver: of holy Breath Barnia

Eliminate seven Disloyal Lamia at the Holy Place of Soft Breath and report back to Barnia at the Hideout of the Wise as soon as you have collected the Tail Scales of the Disloyal Lamia.

  • Experience: 239477 EP
  • 0 21 106



First I want to see whether you can really help us or not. A lot of brave warriors have set out on my mission and haven't returned. I don't want to scare you, but I also don't want to put your life on the line unnecessarily. Fight the Disloyal Lamias and bring me a Tail Scale as proof.


That shouldn't be a problem.


Don't be so sure. Lamias are dangerous and deceitful. You should always be on your guard!


I was worried you wouldn't come back alive. Have you managed to fight the lamias and loot a tail scale?


You managed it! *relieved laugh* It's an honour when someone with your skills wants to help us Mirhur.

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