Quest details

Level range: 54

Quest giver: Tradesman Abile

Take the full purse to Tera in the patrol encampment.
  • Loot 1× Full Purse

  • Experience: 15475 EP
  • 0 10 513



Take this purse to Tera in the patrol encampment. Unfortunately the money couldn't be paid back in time, but she will understand, after all, she will get more interest for it.


Phew! Why is the purse so heavy?


As I didn't have enough gold, I filled up the rest with silver... I'm sorry, I hope you understand.


Hmm... What were the goods from yesterday again? Oh man... With a memory like mine, you really shouldn't become a merchant. *Tera sighs*


Ah... It wasn't Elbrid who borrowed the money, but Abile in the Jungle Fort! You went to a lot of effort! As a reward, Player, you will get the interest. Uff!! But why is this purse so heavy?

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