Quest details

Level range: 38

Quest giver: Grandmaster of Leios Viscount Arenwas

Find Katador, who is in Kokuma at the Horizon castle.

  • Experience: 4841 EP
  • 0 6 762


Viscount Arenwas:

The key can probably be found at the Bertikal castle ruins. According to the wise ones you're the one who can do this. Go to the ruins without being seen by anybody!


Yes, I will do that!

Viscount Arenwas:

It's true that I have a very public position, but why doesn't the wise one ask me for my help? Sometimes one gets the impression that he's somebody that suffers from a mistake that lies in the past throughout his life. He always wants to carry the weight on his shoulders.


Player, it's my fault again this time. I didn't want to accept the fact, but as soon as I set foot in the Bertikal castle ruins I realised it straight away: I had destroyed Kokuma!


When I was younger I was part of the secret Kaos-alliance. We didn't want the Rahu and Gods taking over Iberia. The country belongs to the Iberian people and it should stay that way.

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