Quest details

Level range: 35

Quest giver: Wise man Katador

Hunt spiked crocodiles and sharp-clawed crocodiles in the Arabain western base and take 15 crocodile leathers to Katador who lives in the Horizon Castle in Kokuma Harbour.

  • Experience: 7835 EP
  • 0 10 917



The Princess may have already told you but I'm in exile here. I can't move around freely. Could you divert their attention from me and take on a mission? Hunt the crocodiles in the Arabain western base. I have a good idea.


Crocodile leather?


The crocodiles in the Arabain western base have recently gone through a mutation. Their leather has become rock-hard, it is already being compared to dragon leather. Be careful that it doesn't get damaged.


You arrived in a sound condition! I have an important mission for you. You're certainly en route, aren't you?


Well done. The preparations for my diversion can now begin. *Katador picks out the best leather pieces for himself*

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