Quest details
Level range: 41
Quest giver: Crocodile Hunter Gill Balmor
Kill Pimak, who is near the castle in the center of the Mastrom Swamplands. Take the poisonous scales to the crocodile hunter Gill Balmor afterwards.
Gill Balmor:[Player]:Those cursed Momans. Since they turned up, no one has been able to get into the Mastrom Swamplands. As we can't hunt crocodiles any more it has become virtually impossible to earn a living. What are they gaining from hanging around here? Could you possibly kill their boss Pimak and bring me his poisonous scales? If you get rid of him the Momans will become sheep without a shepherd and will gradually clear off. Also we'll be able to kill two birds with one stone.
Gill Balmor:Two birds with one stone?
Like its name gives away, his scales are full of poison. If the crocodile hunter manages to use the poison effectively, it would make hunting a lot easier. The condition being that the leather is not damaged.
Gill Balmor:
You must be really good if you managed to confront the Momans without getting a scratch on you! You don't want to tell me that you didn't put one foot in the swamp, do you?
Gill Balmor:
I wouldn't have thought that his scales were so hard and stable. If I manage to get to Tyconteroga, it'll takes me ages until I manage to figure out how to get the poison out of the scales. Oh, I almost forgot. I want to give you a decent reward for completing that dangerous mission. Please accept it.