Quest details

Level range: 41

Quest giver: Crocodile Hunter Dundee

Find the crocodiles and alligators in the Mastrom Swamplands, get hold of 20 pieces of high-quality crocodile leather and take them to the crocodile hunter.

  • Experience: 11556 EP
  • 0 15 277



If we don't deliver enough crocodile leather to the capital city, we'll be in trouble. I've only just started establishing myself as a crocodile hunter. I can't afford a mistake like this! You look very capable... Do you think you could help me to hunt some more leather?


This is a really difficult situation. I'm going to do my best, even though I don't have much experience in hunting crocodiles.


Thank you! As long as the crocodile skin hasn't been damaged, it won't be a problem pulling it off.


Have you not found enough crocodile leather? Oh, I'm sorry that I didn't ask about you health first... How impolite of me!


Ah, you've brought me the finest crocodile leather like you promised. It won't matter that we have less pieces as the quality will make up for it. It's not much but please take this as a token of my gratitude. You really saved my neck.

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