Quest details

Level range: 44

Quest giver: Second Commander of the Roengreen Knights Kirix

Kill Lurakan, the boss of the Green Fins, who is near the castle deep in the west of Millisa and Adbain, the boss of the Steel Wings, who is north of the castle in the center of Millisa. Go back to Kirix afterwards.

  • Experience: 21575 EP
  • 0 28 976



It seems that, apart from taking care of this task, we won't be able to do anything for Hod. It won't be long before they notice our participation. Kill Lurakan, the Boss of the Green Fins, who is in the western part of Millisa and Adbain, the boss of the Steel Wings, who is in the center.


I'm on my way!


Great, I'm counting on you! *Kirix looks at you gratefully.*


What happened to Luracan and Adbain?


*Kirix has heard about your successful return and smiles at you happily.* Now all there is left to do is to wait.

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