Quest details

Level range: 40

Quest giver: Second Commander of the Roengreen Knights Kirix

Find and kill 20 staring and blinking googly eyes in the eastern Serian Forest and report back to Kirix afterwards.

  • Experience: 15264 EP
  • 0 20 11



The way I know Professor Lelly, he won't accept our help if we just suddenly offer it. So let's sort it out ourselves... Lets start by driving the googly eyes in the eastern Serian Forest away. Kill 20 starting googly eyes and 20 blinking googly eyes. How does that sound?


I'll make sure that those googly eyes come to a bad end!


Wow! I like your way of thinking... I'm looking forward to watching your process.


How did it go? Did you show them?


The problem in the Serian Forest couldn't be completely solved, but there should only be a couple of them left now. The stubborn professor will be able to relax a little now. You did a really good job. *Kirix pats you on the back.*

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