Quest details

Level range: 40

Quest giver: Second Commander of the Roengreen Knights Kirix

Go up the watchtower on the south eastern path of the Serian Forest, find out what's going on in there and report back to Kirix, the second commander of the Roengreen Knights, afterwards.

  • Experience: 8139 EP
  • 0 10 816



A little bird told me that you're involved with Lelly, the professor of spirit magic. Before Hod's condition got so bad, he and his brother Ruos took care of the spirits. He's a fantastic professor, who also administrates elixirs. The fact that he turned to you can only mean that the situation is getting out of hand. Let's investigate the events in the Serian Forest. There's a watchtower there. Go up the tower and check what's going on in the Serian Forest.


I understand. I'll go there immediately.


It's really important that you pay close attention. Even the fairies will turn away from you if they find out that you're involved with us.


He's not one to draw attention to himself...But I'm worried because I haven't heard anything from him. *Kirix eagerly awaits you.*


Serian Forest is full of monsters? Ah, that's why Professor Lelly... (Kirix becomes lost in thought after he has heard your report.)

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