Quest details

Level range: 40

Quest giver: Magic Knight Haren Allumid

Speak to Dundee, the crocodile hunter, at the Mastrom swamplands.

  • Experience: 12438 EP
  • 0 16 364


Haren Allumid:

The Mastrom swamplands are situated north of Hod. Crocodile hunters often go there to get the best crocodile leather. At the moment it's not very peaceful in Hod... I don't know if the crocodile hunters are all right? Could you please check?


I understand. I will go around as soon as I'm done with my work.

Haren Allumid:

I'm relying on you.


Hey Balmor! Don't just sit around, find a solution!


Who are you? (You explain that you came by to check if Dundee and his companions are okay.) Thank you for caring, but what we really need right now, is a special type of help... Do you think that's possible?

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