Quest details

Level range: 40

Quest giver: Magic Knight Haren Allumid

After you have killed 15 Singing Primate Shamans and 15 Dancing Primate Shamans in the western Serian forest you have to report to the magic knight Allumid, he is in the south eastern part of the forest.

  • Experience: 14841 EP
  • 0 19 465


Haren Allumid:

I know very well that Professor Lelly Rayord doesn't particularly like me. We are doing our best (Haren groans)... Could we count on your help? Could you kill 15 Singing Primate Shamans and 15 Dancing Primate Shamans? The two of us are too weak to drive them away.


What a coincidence! I also have to do something in the Serian forest. I'll help you.

Haren Allumid:

Then I'm counting on you. But please don't let on to Professor Lelly.

Haren Allumid:

So, what about my request? *Haren Allumid lowers his voice, so that Lelly cannot hear him.*

Haren Allumid:

It must have been exhausting as the forest is more like a swamp. Here is a little something for your help - I insist.

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