Quest details

Level range: 40

Quest giver: Commander of the Roengreen Knights Rook Cesar

Talk to Kirix. He's in Hod, at the Large Spirit Path.

  • Experience: 7430 EP
  • 0 9 901


Rook Cesar:

After you left, I was thinking about what it is that I'm supposed to be protecting. I came to the conclusion that I have to defend Derion with my heart and soul. I can't allow our land to be affected any further. I need to find out who is responsible for the chaos in this country.


Hm, a difficult decision. I'll do my best to help.

Rook Cesar:

Thanks... But unfortunately my body prevents me from moving the way I would like to. Which means that without you I am completely powerless. Please tell me that I can continue to count on your help in the future.


Rook has made a tough decision. When this gets out, Rook and I will probably be banished. We've got to do our best. *Kirix looks resolved.*


I have been waiting for you. Now let's start our task.

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