Quest details

Level range: 78

Quest giver: Member of the White Unit Olivier

You can only get to the south-east of the highlands, where Teyou is, with the help of the dwarf Belliu. Go over there and help the Harpies solve their problems. Afterwards you must hold the Harpies' seal in your hand. After you have completed your task you must go to Taranoem, which is in the west. There you have to help the Yetis and receive their seal. Go back to the White Troop and speak with Olivier.



Here in the south, so the south-east of the highlands, is the Teyou village where the Harpies of the Rahu reside. First go into the village and see if there are any problems with the Harpies. If everything is okay, go west to Taranoem and check how the Yetis are doing. Oh, hold on! *Olivier walks towards you and stands in front of you* I almost forgot. Here are all my investigations on my observations of the Rahu. If you use this powder you will be able to understand their language, but you will also look like one of them.


I understand.


All right. Our people from the White Troop have also made progress with the Harpies and the Yetis which gets us thinking that there won't be any problems with the safety in the surveillance. Still, we cannot guarantee anything, because we haven't had any contact with them before. All right, then, I'll use the powder now *Olivier takes a fistful of the powder out of the grey little bag and scatters it over his head. It starts to smell. He suddenly needs to cough* Maybe there's something wrong with the mixture...? No, as I can see you're doing terrific. I'm probably just a little bit sensitive. Go into the room next door, to Belliu and take his advice. He can help you and get you to Teyou in the blink of an eye.


We have to deal with this matter so that Princess Marlone does not find out about it. If she finds out about it she will more than likely send her troops here. If this matter gets any bigger then a battle will break out here and we cannot check our theory beforehand. *Olivier seems to be totally absorbed in this conversation with Linuk and doesn't seem to notice his surroundings*


Oh okay. So were all the missing people from Teyou and Taranoem aggressive and argumentative when you found them again? It seems to me that the Rahu went to Britron and turned back around again. And then there's Dudi, a Harpy that stayed in Taranoem. No, I'm sure it wasn't a harpy. It was that hostile creature that you met in Mosalien. This creature has turned himself into a Harpy. And the things being said about the gigantic hole in the Merata lake opens up more questions. You said yourself that a dragon creature fell. If it's one from the highlands, then it's got something to do with Karemia. The fact that he's been at the bottom of the lake for the last forty years and hasn't transformed himself since then, has certainly got something to do with the Rahu. Please look into this matter and find out more about it.

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