Quest details

Level range: 60

Quest giver: Emperor Ruard Lopesa

Speak to Drakan, the leader of the Magic Knights, who is in the headquarters of the Battle Magicians.

  • Experience: 13171 EP
  • 0 13 28


Ruard Lopesa:

So from now on you're one of us, part of the Knight Alliance in Derion. Now you'll get a taste for strength and authority that you've never had before. But first you have to do something. Go to Drakan, who is in the headquarters of Battle Magicians. This command cannot be fulfilled without you.


Yes, I will report it to your majesty.

Ruard Lopesa:

I have put a lot of hope into you. I hope that you don't disappoint me. Now go.


Player, seems to have been promoted and become captain. Unbelievable... Player is still so young! (The news appears to have spread out already.)


Ah, our new Knight Alliance member is here! Congratulations! *Drakan is really pleased about your presence.*

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