Quest details

Level range: 73

Quest giver: Captain Muborit

You have to speak to Jackpot in the rebuilt elf village.

  • Experience: 19144 EP
  • 0 19 560



This wretched little dwarf. We thought we were safe and now you're telling us that they want to invade and attack Iberia? Since this isn't certain the message will not have reached the residents of the harbour village. Anyway, don't worry about that. Go back to Jackpot. I don't know whether he will be helpful in this situation...


Even though she's very close to Bernoa, she will take action, won't she?


Hmm, it would be a good idea to inform the people that can sort this out as soon as possible about the current situation. I can observe the situation and think about how we can counterattack. Therefore you should go to Jackpot as quickly as possible! Oh and that's such a pity. *Even in this critical situation Muborit can't help, but be disappointed about the fact that the shipwreck was not loaded with treasures*


I don't think that the shipwreck, that everybody says was discovered by Muborit, has a connection with the occurring incidents. Well, anyway Player, you can more detailed information on your return.


I beg your pardon? You discovered Rahu at the entrance of the deep valley and in the shipwreck at Maur island? I was expecting a connection between the two, but how the hell did that happen?!

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