Quest details

Level range: 70

Quest giver: Village leader Espim

Check out the five magic watchtowers in the moss forest and eventually report to the village leader Espim in the valley of the elves.

  • Experience: 42628 EP
  • 0 42 504



There's a strange power in the moss forest? That can't be true. The magic watchtowers, which I built, protect the forest like a fortress would! But since the letter came from Bernoa and not any other random place, I can't ignore the message. *Espim is deep in thought* All right, go to the moss forest and check if everything is okay with the magic towers. In the meantime I will write a letter to Bernoa.


Hold on! Espim, I don't think that this is a good idea.


What does that mean? I shouldn't reply to Bernoa's letter? Don't involve yourself in other people's business! Just take care of your own task!


Oh, it doesn't matter. I can't believe that something is wrong with the magic watchtowers that I built. But as Bernoa wrote a letter, we should probably investigate it. But why is that guy running so late?


Imagine that! What did you just say? The magic watchtowers are destroyed? and the Rahu are hanging around in the forest? Why didn't my towers prevent this from happening? I never dreamed this would happen! *Espim's shock is a great as his confidence used to be*

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