Quest details

Level range: 69

Quest giver: Elder of the Elves Bernoa

Talk to the elder of the elves, Bernoa, who is staying at the rebuilt elf village.

  • Experience: 11067 EP
  • 0 11 58



The war zone is covered with elf-like tradesmen who have plenty of tasks for us. My job is to separate the important ones from the unimportant ones. Another important factor is to figure out which ones are the most profitable. The money that we're investing in the elves' trees has not only come from the trading of goods.


I don't know why you're saying this. That's why I'm asking you directly. What do you want from me?


I'm making a deal with you. I'll give you the most profitable task and in return you will do me a little favour. How would you like that?


He might assume I'm a tradesman from the way I approached him. If you consider what I've done in the past 30 years, I'm more like a gifted elf rather than a fine tradesman. Anyway it won't hurt him to do business with me.


I will take your silence as an approval! The contract is sealed and now it only has to be carried out. Don't worry about it. Just do me that one favour.

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