Quest details

Level range: 69

Quest giver: Elder of the Elves Bernoa

Go to the dead elf tree and talk to the oldest Roshima.

  • Experience: 12157 EP
  • 0 12 185



I know it is not very appropriate to ask you such a difficult favour during our first meeting but please appreciate our situation. I have heard that you went into the dying forest by yourself and returned safe and sound. Could you go to the dead Elf tree and help the oldest Roshimo and the others with the preparations for the festivities? If I as the oldest of the elves leave my post the situation could escalate.


I am very sorry but unfortunately I don't have time for things like that at the moment. There are more important things going on.


*Suddenly Bernoa goes quiet and whispers something into your ear* I know that you and Jackpot have turned up here to find out what the sudden appearance of the imps is all about. Also that Serebina is helping you. I can only surmise what your reasons may be but I bet the Rahu at the dead Elf tree also come into it. I take your silence as a yes. If that is the case then quickly go to the dead Elf tree. The oldest Roshima is waiting for you there.


In a few days the festival is going to take place and now of all times the Rahu have appeared. Where have they suddenly come from? *Roshimo seems to be completely clueless about what he should do in this situation.*


Ah! You must be the brave adventurer the oldest of the elves has sent. Could you kill those damned rascals before our comrades in the village hear the news that the Rahu have turned up here again? As you can see we are too busy preparing the festivities so that we can't deal with them.

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