Quest details

Level range: 75

Quest giver: Elder of the Elves Bernoa

Go to the rebuilt Elf Village and speak to Jackpot.

  • Experience: 14028 EP
  • 0 14 449



Jackpot will have explored the deep valley by now and has probably returned to the village. I think it would be better if we found them and find out about the situation. And it would be better if we hurry. Princess Marlone hates to wait. If we dally she might start doubting us.


Mhmm, yes, maybe. Jackpot left for the Deep Valley quite some time ago though. Why is she here again now?


Recently I managed to get into contact with her via her friend. That's why she's on her way to the Deep Valley. I don't know any details. If you want to find out more you should ask Jackpot.


A guy called Glances... there's something fishy about this. He claims that he's been sent here to take care of the portal, but he doesn't even know where it is? I definitely have to make inquires about him.


I heard that you visited Princess Marlone. As you know, I wanted to go there once too. But it wasn't that easy. I wanted to use the portal in the depths of the Deep Valley, but then a guy called Glancen turned up who changed the portal guard. He claimed that the portal had been damaged by the Rahu. I tried to carefully ask him why, but I couldn't get a decent answer from him.

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