Quest details

Level range: 75

Quest giver: Elder of the Elves Bernoa

Talk to Princess Marlone in Keter, she is in the palace of the High King Neban Maha.

  • Experience: 13810 EP
  • 0 14 226



As the many events have delayed your return the Princess herself has sent a letter. That has never happened before. That means that she is giving everything to get back the soul piece. But we elves are also in a threatening situation and need your help. That's why I am asking you, couldn't you go back to Keter and calm down the Princess and then come back here. Then you could also keep it a secret that you have already accomplished the task the Princess gave you.


It is not going to be easy. I will try to return to Mosalien. I don't want either that this place is destroyed by the Rahu again.


The Princess doesn't seem to realize how dangerous and threatening the Rahu are. Shame that we have to worry about this. Her only thought is to unite Iberia before Derion and Gor. As a legion in Valorian you must be agreeing with her although it wouldn't be a bad idea to think about what it means to unite an Iberia occupied by the Rahu.

Marlone Meridian:

We need more time than we thought. Why haven't we heard anything from Bernoa? I'm curious to know what happened, but we can't do what we did last time. That was just too dangerous. *Marlone, who is biting on his fingernails, seems to be even more tense than usual.*

Marlone Meridian:

Player, you are back. Although a long time has passed and because there has not been a report about the progress in the matter I have sent myself a letter. *At this moment the strange bird that was sitting on Bernoa's shoulder comes flying in and sits down on Marlone's arm. The others nearby don't seem to be able to see this bird* Ah, he is the one who connects me and Bernoa. He was created with a special magical power and is therefore invisible to ordinary people. So, let's see the answers he has sent.

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