Quest details

Level range: 60

Quest giver: Secret agent from Kaos Lepio

You have to talk to village leader Darelli.

  • Experience: 11030 EP
  • 0 10 979



We have tried to talk to the village leader Darelli in order to save the village but he didn't seem to understand and was not at all approachable. Perhaps somebody like you will be able to get some information about the soul fragment?


Hmm, you don't have any scope to make a decision. Good, then I will meet Darelli.


If we can persuade him then it won't be difficult for him to let go of the soul fragment. After all, the village people don't know anything about the soul fragment anyway.


The magic protective barrier in the forest of illusions must be restored at all costs so we can continue to live safely in this village. *looks into the tree tops with a serious expression*


That is supposed to be the soul fragment? Damn it, is there talk about it again! *It is obvious that Darelli's furious expression is not genuine* Well, it is not a difficult task. If you help us we will see what we can do for you.

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