Quest details

Level range: 56

Quest giver: Adviser Jekes

Bring Jekes' report to Emperor Ruard Lopesa in Markut. He'll be at Bruna's king's palace.
  • Loot 1× Jekes' Report

  • Experience: 12540 EP
  • 0 8 536



So you've promised Petesia to go to the last fortress of the dark elves? Does that mean there really is one left? *takes a deep breath* Well, we can talk about the details later, can't we? First we've got to make sure that Ruard doesn't know about any of this until you're near him. So hurry and bring this report to him. I don't believe he's finished executing his plan yet, so this should divert his attention.


Do you think he'll be distracted from his plan when he hears that Fenteserilla is still alive?


He's not going to like it at all to hear that the leader of the dark elves is still alive! *laughs* If the dark elves unite under her leadership again, that will be one more power threatening his position. I think you understand what I mean.

Ruard Lopesa:

Hmm, I'm beginning to get worried. It's about time we heard from Jekes again.

Ruard Lopesa:

Jekes wrote this report? That can't be! *reads the report*

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