Quest details

Level range: 50

Quest giver: Emperor Ruard Lopesa

Talk to adviser Jekes in the patrol encampment in Tyconteroga.

  • Experience: 12262 EP
  • 0 8 316


Ruard Lopesa:

It's possible that there has been a misunderstanding during a handover because some time ago our adviser Jekes was sent to the patrol encampment in Tyconteroga. Perhaps there is a conspiracy behind it. Could you go to Tyconteroga for me and make enquiries about Jekes?


I'm on my way to the patrol encampment.

Ruard Lopesa:

Sure, the older you get the less you can remember. But it happens so often that I sometimes doubt myself. The gaps in my memory are occurring more and more often.


Ruard's health is getting worse from day to day! To send an emperor into a war zone. Nevertheless, this could be my one chance to get away from his influence. *Jekes still looks visibly exhausted after travelling through the swamp.*


Are you Player? Why are you here? I understand. Suspicious Ruard is asking himself why I have ended up here. You are supposed to spy on me, right? *Jekes has already seen through you*

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