Quest details

Level range: 44

Quest giver: General of the Rose Army Rosleil

You have to speak to Princess Marlone Meridian. She's in Neban Maha's throne room in the Keter main castle.



Princess Marlone Meridian issued a summoning. She probably found out something about the missing Gor troops. You have to return to the palace as quickly as possible, because she has an urgent message for you.


Isn't the misunderstanding from the Gors' side, the fact that their soldiers have been held up?


There's definitely going to be danger like that! We have to prevent the black knight alliance from frightening us like that again. We can't, under any circumstances, let the chance to trade with Gor, slip out of our hands.

Marlone Meridian:

*reads the report with curiosity* We should make sure that we end this game as soon as possible.

Marlone Meridian:

Oh, we were just about to read the report that Rosleil received. Those poor centaurs... they weren't able to provide any resistance against the sword of Kuntau, the leader. Once the hypnosis has stopped working, they won't be so irrational and will come back to their senses. Okay, let's begin with our serious discussions!

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