Quest details

Level range: 44

Quest giver: Guard Member Pibins

Defeat 30 Earth Spirits and 30 Water Spirits in the windmill area, eliminate the Wrathful Earth Spirit and the Angry Water Spirit and talk to Pibins in the Meridian Fields afterwards.



The Meridian Fields are tilled by the spirits using agricultural methods. However, recently the spirits have suddenly stopped cooperating and started attacking people at random. The princess has ordered us to find out the reason for this sudden failure and to reduce the number of spirits, so that villagers are not harmed any further, but my skills just aren't good enough to do that. It would be great if you could eliminate the spirits in the Meridian Fields, General Player.


I understand. But what are the agricultural methods in which spirits can be used?


When tilling fields you can't rely on the heavens anymore nowadays, instead we use spirit power to quickly harvest good produce. This has the big advantage that the ground isn't burdened and won't be damaged due to the permanent cultivation. Currently this is only carried out on the fields named after Princess Meridian, the Meridian Fields.


There you are, Player. Did you eliminate the spirits?


That's really great! When you see someone managing to eliminate so many spirits, it becomes clear why not everyone's gets the title of General.

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