Quest details
Level range: 50
Quest giver: Spirit Father Pago
You have to take the soul piece to Karisa, the keeper of the tree of life.
- Loot 1× Sillelia's Soul Piece
- Experience: 19992 EP
- 0 13 379
Pago:[Player]:I think the soul piece I have brought with me should be taken back to its place of origin. Take it and give it to Karisa, the keeper of the tree of life. He is a member of the White Troop you are working for at the moment.
Pago:Pago, what will happen to Hod in the future?
I can no longer bear to watch how the Rahu are trampling on my children. But the situation is not so bad because thanks to you the Serian forest, the spirit sanctuary and the twilight of the spirits are safe again. If you come back some time I may have found some magic so that the spirits themselves and not the wards protect this place.
The number of young spirits in the Serian forest is increasing everyday! That's wonderful news! *Karisa, who has hung himself from a tree and is peeking through the leaves*
The soul piece? Where did you get that? It was brought here a long time ago and hidden in the tree of life. *Karisa looks around and puts his hand into the tree of life. He goes white with fright*